
又名:唱出我人生 / Light Up! / Не се предавай


主演:维克多利亚·伊萨科娃 Aleksandra Podelska 

导演:基里尔·普雷特涅夫 编剧:基里尔·普雷特涅夫 Kirill Pletnev





Plot Summary:Alevtina Romanova is a warden in the woman's colony, and the only thing that is different from her «iron lady» image is her voice - a voice which even a notable opera diva would envy. However, Alevtina has been ashamed of her talent since the times she was a kid and nowadays, preliminarily making sure no one's around, she rarely sings for herself. Despite the fact that Alevtina is trying to stay invisible, one of the prisoners secretly records her singing on video by a cellphone and puts it online. The tape becomes a real sensation, and soon Alevtina is invited to Moscow to participate in the main singing show on national television. A sincere desire to change her life awakens inside Alevtina but she's not ready to compete in the show at all. The only person who could train her voice and prepare her for the performance is that very prisoner, who recorded the video, who turns out to be a singer in the past.
阿列维蒂娜·罗曼诺娃(Alevtina Romanova)是该妇女殖民地的看守人,与她的“铁娘子”形象唯一不同的是她的声音-即使是著名的歌剧女主角也会羡慕她。 但是,从小时候起,Alevtina就为自己的才华感到羞耻,如今,她已初步确定周围没有人,她很少自己唱歌。 尽管Alevtina试图保持隐身状态,但其中一名囚犯通过手机在视频中秘密记录了她的歌声,并将其放到网上。 录音带引起了轰动,不久,Alevtina被邀请到莫斯科参加国家电视台的主要歌唱表演。 渴望改变生活的真诚愿望在Alevtina内部唤醒,但她根本不准备参加演出。 唯一可以训练她的声音并为表演做好准备的人就是那个录制视频的囚犯,过去他是歌手。
