寄宿学校疑云 第五季El internado(2009)

主演:荣·冈萨雷斯 安娜·德·阿玛斯 马丁尼奥·里瓦斯 


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寄宿学校疑云 第五季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:While Jacques orchestrates several fear tactics to put his son and his nosy friends in their place, Fermín returns from his mother's funeral to be with Maria and live more simply. Martin controls his panic at learning his sympathizing son Lucas gave Elsa a letter explaining her missing father's death. Héctor returns, but only Jacinta perceives not all is well with him. Vicky disassociates herself from the group, a student's sudden death disquiets Roque especially, a new history teacher comes to the school with a hidden agenda, and flashbacks reveal the tight bond between Elsa's father and a teacher.
