
又名:Fancy Lala / 魔法天使 / 魔法小美穗 / Fancy LaLa

主演:宫本充 饭冢雅弓 山口胜平 

导演:大森贵弘 高田明美 





Plot Summary:Miho Shinohara is an imaginative elementary school girl that dreams of becoming a manga artist one day. However, one day a twist of fate throws her for a loop when a mysterious stranger brings her in contact with a a pair of creatures with the appearance of stuffed animals not of this world. In return for befriending them, they give Miho a magical pen with the ability to age her into her mid-teens, as well as make whatever she draws temporarily real. Unrecognizable in her older state, Miho decides to go exploring the city when a modeling/talent agency, desperate to fulfill an important contract, beg her to take on a modeling job, putting Miho on her first steps to stardom. Giving her teenage alter-ego the name Fancy Lala, she eventually grows from working as a small time model into a famous actress and singer. However, along the way, she constantly learns about the perils of adulthood, childhood, stardom and the limitations of her magic.
筱原美穗(大森玲子 配音)是一个可爱的九岁小姑娘,一次偶然中,她邂逅了时间记忆精灵皮古和摩古,两个精灵将拥有魔法力量的画笔和图画本送给了美穗,就这样,美穗拥有了将画中物体变为现实的神奇能力。利用魔法,美穗将自己变成了15岁的拉拉(大森玲子 配音),并且在街上遇到了星探发掘,走上了成为模特的道路。   之后,美穗以拉拉的形象一路走红,开始拥有大批的粉丝,甚至开设了自己的个人演唱会。一场意外中,美穗将画笔和图画本弄丢了,而一直在帮助她的皮古和摩古也因为魔力耗尽而消失了。伤心的美穗遇见了自己曾经的化妆师柯米,而柯米竟然认出了眼前的女孩就是拉拉。
