Plot Summary:A young actress in the cold-war-berlin struggles to decide wether or not to accept a new role, working with an old leftist director in a deserted theatrehouse. Caught between her painful childhood- loss of the mother- and the confusing and instable present political and social situation, she engages with prostitutes, penniless playwrights and postmen of the split berlin city.
尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道,索伦·莫灵,苏丝·威尔金斯,帕普丽卡·斯汀,艾瑞克·艾伯纳尼,盖·皮尔斯,托马斯·加比利尔森,卡里斯·范·侯登,Esben Dalgaard Andersen,雅各布·乌尔里克·罗曼,伊利亚斯·阿达布,阿达兰·埃斯迈利,尼可拉斯·布若,碧姬·伊莱格姆,伊利亚斯·奥吉亚,尤尼斯·贝希尔,胡安·阿罗卡,杜菲·阿尔-加布尔,Truus de Boer,埃拉·琼·昂拉尔,强·朗格