援助交际扑灭运动STOP THE BITCH CAMPAIGN 援助交際撲滅運動(2009)

又名:Stop the Bitch Campaign


主演:Rio 菅野麻由 平井絵美 中ノ瀬由衣 黒澤佐知子 城戸千夏 

导演:鈴木浩介 编剧:加藤淳也





Plot Summary:In Tokyo, prostitution in the name of \"Enjo Kosai\" is in fashion among some high school girls. A mysterious man, Kuni, laments such girls but cannot deny a strong desire for them. He punishes the girls by having sex with them without paying them. He calls this operation \"stop the bitch campaign\" for public justice. Working in a sex trade shop where abnormal people are satisfied with their lust, Aoi tries to find out the man who raped her desperately in the past. One day, Aoi meets Kuni. The battle between a violent but beautiful girl and an abnormal dirty man is set to start again!
梓的妹妹惠自杀身亡,梓认为事情另有蹊跷,展开了追查。   梓打听到,有个神秘人正在进行“援助交际扑灭运动”。此人假借援交之名接近女高中生,和她们发生关系后,残忍地在她们身上烙下“母猪”的印痕。   梓想起惠的大腿上也有这样的烙印。难道妹妹是那个变态神秘人的牺牲品?!梓获得了惠的同学彩的帮助,准备引蛇出洞,为妹妹复仇。然而她并不知道,等待着她的是超乎想象的可怕地狱……
