The Final Night and Day(2011)


主演:Mark Mendola Adam R. Steigert 

导演:Adam R. Steigert 编剧:Adam R. Steigert

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The Final Night and Day:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:A group of convicts have found themselves stuck between the living and the bloodthirsty undead. The world as we know it is changing, a deadly virus has hit the United States. In the heart of a ravaged City, a small group of uninfected people team up with a group of convicts to take on the undead. With twist and turns around every corner will they survive the final night and day?
一群罪犯发现自己困在生活和嗜血的亡灵。 就我们所知,世界正在改变,一种致命的病毒袭击美国。 在蹂躏的中心城市,一小群未受感染的人与一群犯人不死。 扭曲和转身将他们度过最后一晚,每一个角落?
