Plot Summary:The adventures of Robert Lafleur, alias Scaramouche, are the sensation of his time, thanks to his talent as an actor and charm as an incorrigible seducer. He becomes the enemy of the Marquis de la Tour when he makes a conquest of his mistress, the ravishing Madame de Popignan. His world is thrown into a turmoil when, one day, the Marquis de Souchil recognizes Scaramouche as the illegitimate son of the Duke de Froissard.
José Suárez,Marisa de Leza,Eulália del Pino,Milo Quesada,Jesús Colomer,José Marco,Luis Induni,Josep Maria Angelat,Rafael Bardem,Manuel Bronchud,Juan Cebrián,Camino Delgado,Miquel Graneri,Margarita Lozano,Antonio Martín