


主演:Yilmaz Yalcin Elvira Rimbu And 

导演:马里安·克里尚 编剧:马里安·克里桑 Marian Crisan





Plot Summary:NELU, a man in his forties, works as a security guard at a supermarket in Salonta, a small town on the Romanian-Hungarian border. This is the place where many illegal emigrants try to cross, by any means possible, to Hungary and then further to Western Europe. For NELU, days go by the same. Fishing at dawn, then work, and finally home with his wife-FLORICA. They live alone at an isolated farmhouse on the fields outside Salonta. Their problem these days is repairing the old roof of the farmhouse. One morning, NELU will fish something different out of the river: a Turkish man trying to cross the border. Not able to communicate verbally, the two men will somehow understand each other. NELU takes the stranger to the farmhouse, gives him some dry clothes, food and shelter. He doesnt really know how to help this stranger. The Turkish man gives NELU all the money he has on him so he will help him cross the border. Eventually, NELU takes the money and promises he will help him cross the ...
故事发生在罗马尼亚同匈牙利边境上的小镇Salonta,很多非法移民都希望通过这里进入匈牙利然后是更远的西欧。四十来岁的Nelu是当地一家超市里的保安,他的日子是固定的,早起钓一会儿鱼,然后是工作,晚上回到妻子Florica身边。他俩居住在城外人烟稀少的地方。一天早晨,Nelu从河里“钓”到并不是鱼,而是一名试图越境的土耳其男子。尽管语言不通,但他们似乎能够理解彼此。Nelu将陌生人领回家,喂饱他,给他干衣服。作为回报,土耳其男子给了他一大笔钱,只要Nelu能够帮助他穿过国境。   幕后制作   影片由罗马尼亚、匈牙利与法国三国合拍,曾在2010年瑞士洛迦洛电影节摘得国际评审团特别奖、Don Quixote奖以及青年大奖。该片是罗马尼亚导演马里安·克里斯安的长片处女作,两年前他曾凭借短片《Megatron》获得戛纳电影节的短片金棕榈大奖。
