Sword of Justice(1978)


主演:达克·兰博 布拉福德·迪尔曼 罗伯特·劳吉亚 卡洛尔·琳蕾  

导演:丹尼尔·哈勒 柯蒂斯·哈灵顿 编剧:Michael Gleason

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Sword of Justice:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Dack Rambo plays millionaire playboy Jack Cole, who, after the death of his parents, is framed on charges of embezzlement. In prison, Cole learns various tricks of the criminal trade - lockpicking, safe-cracking, electronic surveillance, etc. Upon his release, Cole uses his wealth and his newly learned talents to help others, leaving his calling card, a "sword of justice", at the scene.
