寄宿学校疑云 第三季El internado(2008)


主演:Luis Merlo 玛塔·托尔内 荣·冈萨雷斯 安娜·德· 


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寄宿学校疑云 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:With both Fermin and his contact missing, Saúl briefs a new operative to work within the school. With Christmas passed, students return, and Iván, bloodied, finds it hard to live with the death of Maria's attacker, managing only with Marcos' help. Searching the tunnels for a particular door, the gang discovers yet another door, but one to which they have a key (unaware it opens into a room wherein Fermin lied trapped, starving, thirsting and desperate for freedom). With Elsa gone to who knows where or for how long, Hector engages in a personal search, eventually discovering a mass grave. While an owl's frequent visits start Paula believing in reincarnation, the gang determines that Evil Santa isn't whom they first thought he was, and a familiar face returns from the grave.
Repeat visits from an owl convince Paula in the gnome's reincarnation, Iván can't believe he killed a man, Fermin fights for his life while losing the paintings, the gang discovers a second door, and Saúl preps a new operative.
