周六夜现场:约翰·木兰尼/杰克·怀特Saturday Night Live John Mulaney/Jack White(2018)

主演:约翰·木兰尼 杰克·怀特 罗伯特·德尼罗 本·斯蒂勒 纳西姆 






Plot Summary:Robert Mueller interrogates President Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, Meet the Parents-style. .John Mulaney hates modern party music almost as much as he hates captcha. Drag queen waiter gets judgy on a customer for a good reason. A student with unwanted erection tries to postpone the class' planned walk out. The parody of "Wild Wild Country" (2018) shows how some became guru Rajneesh's followers just to partake in free love. In a diner, a customer orders a lobster, which leads to a Broadway-esque operatic number based on Les Miz. Rock musician Jack White performs his song "Over and Over and Over." The Weekend Update covers such topics as President Trump's ongoing scandals and the Facebook data privacy scandal, while Fox News' host Laura Ingraham comments on businesses boycotting her show over her incendiary comments, and LaVar Ball overpraises his son's basketball genius. An 80s sitcom about body-swapping called "Switcheroo" with an extremely uncomfortable incestuous plot line is ...
S43, Ep18
