
又名:淘气小雪儿 / レディジョージィ / Lady Georgie

主演:山本百合子 木藤玲子 山田荣子 真木恭介 津賀山正種 上田美 

导演:吉田しげつぐ 编剧:金子裕/朝仓千笔 Asakura Chifude/城山升 Shiroyama Noboru





Plot Summary:Georgie lives happily in an Australian farm with her family, but she doesn't know she was found in a wood and adopted. A gold bracelet is her only clue to the past. When her adoptive mother banishes her from the farm because both her adoptive brothers, Abel and Arthur, fall in love with her, she grows up falling in love with a British lord, Lowell. Georgie goes to London, in search of both her real family and Lowell. Soon a love triangle develops between her adoptive brothers and Lowell and a new thrilling adventure starts for them within the British aristocratic world, full of luxury and intrigues.
乔琪(山本百合子 配音)自幼便失去了父母沦为孤儿,幸运的是,一个名为巴特曼的农民收养了乔琪,才使得她远离了流落街头无家可归的命运。随着时间的推移,乔琪渐渐长大,出落成为了亭亭玉立的美丽少女,而巴特曼农夫的两个儿子阿贝和亚瑟同时爱上了她。   一次偶然中,乔琪得知了自己的身世,亦得知自己的亲生父亲尚在人世,于是,带着父亲留给她的手镯,乔琪决定孤身一人踏上寻父之旅。在旅途中,乔琪邂逅了名为洛维雨的男子,命运将两人紧紧的系在了一起,然而不幸的是,洛维雨染上了重病,乔琪虽然非常努力的工作赚钱,却还是无法负担数额巨大的医疗费。
