

主演:陈德森 崔允信 

导演:李孟熙 Quentin Lee 





Plot Summary:0506HK documents filmmaker Quentin Lee's returns to Hong Kong, where he was born and raised. As he explores his desire to move back there from Los Angeles, he interviews local artists, filmmakers, friends, and family about why they are in Hong Kong and why they choose to be there. With humor and wit, Lee explores culture, belonging, politics, and ultimately the question of where the best place is for him to exist as a filmmaker. Part autobiography, part travelogue, part cultural criticism, the documentary features local cultural icon Kam Kwok Leung, filmmakers Peter Chan, Teddy Chen, Tammy Cheung, animator Raman Hui and many other colorful characters. A stylish collage of interviews, original footage and home movies, 0506HK is sometimes nostalgic. It is nevertheless both an emotional and meaningful journey.
2007溫哥華國際電影中心及Vancity Theatre參展電影   李孟熙(Quentin Lee)所執導的《0506HK》,一套集個人傳記、遊記及文化評論的電影.   回歸十年大過天,熱鬧繽紛眾聲喧譁,對你來說又有何意義?《志同盜合》壞孩子導演李孟熙16歲移民加拿大,對於香港,對於身份認同,總是這麼近、那麼遠,心情複雜微妙。趁著回歸十年,李孟熙特意回港贈興,動員一眾親朋好友影人藝術家,齊齊論盡留在香港的種種理由。甘國亮許誠毅陳可辛陳德森,熟悉的不熟悉的一網打盡,一同漫遊香港的人情世故,審視我城的文化身份.
