

主演:贯地谷栞 郑尹鹤 小岛藤子 

导演:石澤かおる 编剧:横田理恵





Plot Summary:Minori works for the tourism department in the small city of Kakamigahara, Gifu, Japan. Kakamigahara is the sister city of Chuncheon, South Korea, which was a shooting location for the popular Korean drama \"Winter Sonata\". Because of their relationship with Chuncheon, a photo exhibition for \"Winter Sonata\" is held in Kakamigahara's City Hall. The exhibition was a smashing success with 700,000 fans attending the exhibition. Minori's boss then asks her opinion on letting people know about the city. Minori thinks of the Korean dish kim-chi. Her boss likes the idea and puts in an order to develop Kakamigahara brand of kim-chi. For the project, they have exchange worker Won-Joon from Chuncheon help with the project. But Won-Joon is initially negative about the project and members of the kim-chi research group are also against the project.
今年、開局70周年を迎えたNHK岐阜放送局が、新たな地方ドラマに挑みます!   物語の舞台は 冬ソナブームで注目を集めた各務原(かかみがはら)市。   「よその国の名物で町おこしなんて、あなたたちプライドないんですか?」   そんなイケメン韓国人の言葉に奮い立ち、   ご当地グルメ開発にのめり込んでいく主人公が見つけた、各務原らしさとは。   衝突しながらも次第に心惹かれていく二人の恋の行方も見逃せない!   実話を元にした、市役所職員のキムチ作り奮戦記!!
