Plot Summary:Aired on CCTV 9 Chinese National TV Documentary Channel in July 2017, \"Decorum in Brothers\" is one of the six episodes in \"Transmitters of Heritage\" Season 2. Directed by Wun Yip, this feature documentary explores how propriety plays a role in maintaining relationships the Beijing Way.
北京自建城以来,即汇集各地人士。他们离乡背井来到这个首善之都,所面临的是,要如何与不同血缘关系的北漂,如何以礼相待,相聚、相识、相处在一起?如何立足?《兄弟的礼数》集中介绍北京城来自五湖四海的人群彼此互动、结交、共事所形成的文化风格,记录在这个快速发展和文化交融的国际大都 市里,礼节和社交智慧是如何传承下来。我们观察到,礼,作为礼节、礼貌、礼仪、礼度,是异姓兄弟姊妹之间,能够达致和谐的重要基础。 This feature documentary explores how propriety plays a role in maintaining relationships the Beijing Way.