


主演:小日向文世 村上虹郎 本乡奏多 上坂堇 

导演:佐藤敬一 编剧:濑古浩司 Hiroshi Seko/奥浩哉 Hiroya Oku





Plot Summary:Inuyashiki Ichirou is down on his luck. While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world around him and he's constantly ignored and disrespected by his family despite all that he's done to support them. On top of everything else, his doctor has revealed that he has cancer and it appears that he has little time left in this world. But just when it seems things couldn't get any worse, a blinding light in the night sky strikes the earth where Ichirou stands. He later wakes up to find himself unscathed, but he soon starts to notice that there's something... different about himself. However, it turns out that these strange, new changes are just what Ichirou needs to take a new lease on life and now it seems like there's nothing to stop him from being a hero worthy of the respect that he never had before... unless, that is, there was someone else out there with these same changes...
步入老年的不起眼上班族·犬屋敷壹郎,过着被公司和家庭疏远的每一天, 但在某天,医生突然宣告他患了晚期癌症,时日无多,他从此开始自暴自弃。 当晚,被突然飞来的UFO的坠落所卷入,转变成机械身体的他,获得了远超人类的力量。 另一方面,同样遭遇事故的高中生·狮子神皓,开始随心所欲地使用他所获得的力量。 不断伤害不合己意之人的狮子神,与不断拯救被狮子神所伤害之人的犬屋敷。人类的本质究竟是善还是恶? 获得强大力量的2人,现在开始驱动各自的想法——。
