The Bold Ones: The Lawyers(1969)


主演:伯尔·艾弗斯 约瑟夫·康帕内拉 詹姆斯·法伦蒂洛 约翰·米尔 

导演:Alexander Singer 道格拉斯·海耶斯 理查德·赫夫伦 文森特·舒曼 吉诺特·兹瓦克 丹尼尔·皮特里 

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The Bold Ones: The Lawyers:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Walter Nichols, an older and experienced lawyer, serves as a mentor to two attorney brothers. Brian is the more cerebral sibling, better at research. The younger Neil is impulsive and prone towards difficult cases.The three men combine their varied talents into creating a successful law firm.
