

主演:劳伦·艾波罗丝 埃米·马迪根 

导演:Melissa Painter 





Plot Summary:The Brighton has a traumatic drama in the breast of their family: the twenty-year-old Emily Brighton is intellectually disabled due to a fall when she was one, and her overprotective mother Martha Brighton blames her negligence for the accident. The seventeen-year-old Evie Brighton loves her sister and reads poems and stories for Emily. Their father Harry Brighton, a bank investor, lives in the basement with his models of trains and railroads. Evie mysteriously sabotages her interviews for different universities being rejected, and teaches the poetries of her own to Emily. When Martha hears Emily repeating the poems, she takes notes and shows them to the English teacher Stewart Worthy, who believes that Emily has had a moment of genius. When Evie's only friend James reads the notes, he immediately discloses the truth about the author of the poetries. But when Martha becomes aware, she finds the reality of Evie, triggering a series of revelations.
17岁的中学生Evie Brighton的成绩无懈可击,然而却是个不安的小青年。她背地里写诗,照顾智力迟钝的妹妹 Emily 。Emily的弱智是由于儿时的受伤引起的,这件事至今还困扰着自觉良心有愧的母亲Martha。当Emily开始吟诵部分姐姐的诗时,Evie设计花招让Martha和高中英语老师Stewart Worthy 确信Emily是个真正的诗人……而这一切蓄意破坏自己大学面试的行径是为了进一步延后成人生活的开始。改编于剧作家Dawn O'Leary 的同名舞台剧。
