
又名:The Faith in Ailao Mountain



导演:张慈 编剧:张慈





Plot Summary:More than two decades ago, Ci Zhang immigrated to America from China in hopes of pursuing a better life with greater personal freedom. Originally, she wanted to explore writing as her creative medium in her new setting, but once ensconced in the vibrant culture of San Francisco, she began consuming films with an intense voracity. When family tragedy struck, she turned to documentary filmmaking as her outlet for mourning, and captured her mother's health struggles on a small, hand-held camera in their home province of Yunnan. Zhang's debut film The Faith of Ailao Mountain is an emotionally intense documentary that examines her relationship with her mother and birthplace while also indirectly critiquing China's one-child policy and other social issues. She recently shared with US-China Today her path to creating her first documentary, her thoughts on the Chinese film market and her role as an advocate for under-covered social issues.
张慈,纪录片《流浪北京》人物之一。   1988年,离开北京去往美国。   2013年,25年后,回到云南哀牢山南部元阳老城,开始小说创作。期间母亲生病,自杀未遂,随即放弃写作,到蒙自照顾母亲。   她拿起摄影机,端稳,开始讲述关于病中母亲的故事,以及清真寺,以及所经风景。   25年前靠着破败砖墙吞云吐雾的坚强女人,走了又回来,然后因为家乡一座故城的一川山水,一间屋宇的一个亲人,寻到了名叫信仰的东西。   “我希望这部纪录片成为开启中国的作家电影中有关信仰的开门之作,借此踏上不归路。”张慈说,“也许我以后会一直拍下去。”
