再见,爸爸Nos Vemos, Papá(2011)

又名:See You, Dad


主演:塞西莉亚·苏亚雷斯 Marcelo D’Andrea Art 

导演:Lucia Carreras 编剧:Lucia Carreras





Plot Summary:Pilar loses the one thing in life that mattered to her and, from that moment on time stops. The present begins blending with the past, and the heroine withdraws into a world of her own. An intimate drama about the extreme emotions connected to the loss of someone on whom our lives depend.
Pilar loses the one thing in life that mattered to her and, from that moment on time stops. The present begins blending with the past, and the heroine withdraws into a world of her own. An intimate drama about the extreme emotions connected to the loss of someone on whom our lives depend.
