骄傲徽章Badge of Pride(2010)




导演:Min Sook Lee 编剧:Min Sook Lee





Plot Summary:Shot in Toronto, Badge of Pride takes a look at how queer cops in Canada's largest police force deal with being gay in a profession that has traditionally been perceived as anti-gay. Four gay cops speak out. For each, being gay has shaped their professional paths - whether they'd like to admit it or not. Two veterans, a rookie and a copper who was so harassed on the job that he had to find refuge at a desk job. The stories provide a candid and unflinching look at the lives of gay cops. Featured are: Constable Jackie O'Keefe (43), a ten year veteran of the Toronto Police Force who entered policing after spending a decade as a lesbian activist; Sergeant Judy Nosworthy (48), a twenty two year veteran who is the country's first out Lesbian cop and the highest-ranking LGBT cop in Canada; Constable Todd Hillhouse (45), a nineteen year veteran who was hounded out of street patrols and into a desk job by homophobes in his division and Constable Paul Regan, a rookie whose just joined the service and is openly gay in his division.
多倫多作為對同志最友善的城市,擁有最盛大的同志大遊行,然而隱藏在背後的,卻是櫃子裡看不見的榮光。25年前,原本是抗議警察強制突襲同志澡堂的抗議遊行,如今成了充滿歡樂的同志驕傲月。   2005年,走上街頭的是公開出櫃的警察局局長以及安大略省的警察們,齊聚於揮舞彩虹旗的遊行中,這是多倫多第一次有警界官員參與遊行。表面上,LGBT的權益受到法律保護和尊重,但是當同志議題被帶進警察機關之類的公家體系後,一般民眾看不見的是被高牆擋住的另一個世界。   本片帶著「同性戀能不能夠執行公權力」的質問,花費一年的時間深入警界:前女同社運人士警官、加拿大首位公開出櫃且官階最高的女同志、被恐同分隊從外勤趕回辦公室的探員,以及菜鳥同志警察。他們所要面對的,不只是自己同志的身份,更是穿上警察制服後的殘酷現實。
