the sea bat(1930)


主演:瑞秋·托里斯 查尔斯·比克福德 尼尔斯·阿斯瑟 乔治·F·马 

导演:莱昂纳尔·巴里摩尔 韦斯利·鲁格尔斯 编剧:多萝西·约斯特 Dorothy Yost/贝斯·美瑞戴斯 Bess Meredyth/约翰·霍华德·劳森 John Howard Lawson

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the sea bat:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The West Indies island of Portuga exists mainly for sponge diving. But the best area of collection is frequented by a very large manta ray. Nina loses her brother to the creature and is comforted by a newly arrived minister, who seems very interested in an old poster offering a reward for a convict recently escaped from nearby Devil's Island. More deaths attributed to the sea bat follow before Nina resolves her feelings for her comforter.
