Plot Summary:Helen lives with her grandmother in an idyllic island down South. At 27, she is about to graduate from high school and start a new life. Things take a drastic turn when journalist Perry Nanali's article on the truth about "China Doll" is exposed. Now, she is haunted by her past that she tried to forget.
夏洛特·兰普林,菲利普·努瓦雷,彼得·乌斯蒂诺夫,弗雷德·阿斯泰尔,爱德华·艾伯特,艾格斯蒂娜·贝利,杰克·沃森,Mairin D. O'Sullivan,大卫·凯利,Niall Buggy,May Cluskey,Loan Do Huu,Brendon Doyle,Michael Duffy,Derek Lord