
又名:留守男人 / 我决定爱你

主演:王志飞 江珊 宋宁 佟悦 杨皓宇 原华 周显欣 谢园 巩峥  

导演:李木戈 编剧:苏晓苑 Xiaoyuan Su





Plot Summary:Li Hai and Wu Ting are devoted to each other in their marriage. Wu Ting takes care of their daughter, Yingzi, in Canada to further her education, while Li Hai pursues his career in China. One accident leaves Li Hai's firm under the spotlight, during which Li Hai gets closer to Zhao Xiaofei, a journalist. They hate each other in the beginning, however, they establish mutual appreciation gradually, and fall in love finally. Wu Ting comes back in a rush when she knows the story. She cannot accept the fact that her twenty-year's happy marriage is in crisis, thus she behaves crazily. To end the situation, Li Hai has to make a choice between two women. He leaves Xiaofei unwillingly, returns to his family under great pressure and the sense of responsibility. Xiaofei decides to go abroad to forget Li Hai. An earthquake happens when Xiaofei is ready to go. She saves Li Hai's life at the risk of her own. Li Hai is deeply moved. Xiaofei's father dies in the earthquake, leaving Xiaofei as an orphan. Li Hai makes up his mind to be with Xiaofei. Li Hai's firm is in trouble and faces bankruptcy. Li Hai transfers all his fortune to Wu Ting, along with a divorce agreement, and goes to the earthquake-stricken area with Xiaofei as volunteers. Wu Ting comes back, and injects all the money Li Hai left her into the firm. Wu Ting's behavior deeply affects Liu Xiaoyu, her attorney. He decides to help in financing. Wu Ting and Liu Xiaoyu finally save the company together. Li Hai and Xiaofei are shocked when they know it. Wu Ting draws up another divorce agreement, gives up her stock share and leaves with nothing. Liu Xiaoyu loves Wu Ting, but he knows she is still in love with Li Hai. He persuades her to return to family. Xiaofei leaves by herself. Li Hai and Wu Ting get back together. Wu Ting starts a new career, and establishes a better relationship with Li Hai. Li Hai and Xiaofei let things go. Xiaoefi accepts Ma Lin, who encourages and devotes to her all the time, and finally finds her own happiness.
李海(王志飞 饰)和吴婷 (江珊 饰)结婚多年,共同养育着可爱的女儿英子(何泓姗 饰),彼此之间感情十分要好,家庭生活幸福而又美满。英子渐渐长大了,为了女儿能够接受更好的教育,夫妻两人决定将英子送往加拿大深造,然而李海在国内尚有丢不掉的公务要处理,吴婷只得和英子先移民,从未分开过的夫妻两人终于品尝到了异地的苦涩与酸楚。   一个名叫晓菲(周显欣 饰)的美丽女孩出现在了李海的身边,慢慢的走进了他孤独的生活之中。晓菲善良而又勇敢,她的优秀渐渐吸引了李海的目光,两人情不自禁的走到了一起。当吴婷得知了丈夫的不忠后,决定要用行动来捍卫自己的婚姻。
