特遣队员Il Legionario(2017)

又名:The Legionnaire

主演:Germano Gentile Federico Lima  

导演:Hleb Papou 编剧:Giuseppe Brigante/Emanuele Mochi,/Hleb Papou





Plot Summary:Daniel is a flying squad police officer. Born in Italy to Afican Subsaharan immigrants, when 18, he decided to enlist. One evening, he goes back to the house he grew up and where his mother Tangela and his brother Jamal are still living in. During the last months, the building has been occupied by the residents that don't have the slightest intention to be evicted by the bank that holds the property. Inside the house, Daniel comes across his family in full swing during young Caterina's birthday. She is one of his neighbors and had a weakness for him. But the boy has no desire to make merry and, taken his mother aside, he discloses her, his reasons for visit; Jamal and she must leave that place as soon as possible, because the next day, he will come with his squad to remove them. But Tangela and Jamal do not have intention to move themselves from that place considered as their home. Daniel is compelled to give up. Before leaving, he calls upon them to organize a copious resistance to be able to negotiate with the ownership. The day after, Daniel in uniform goes back to the occupied building, together with his flying squad team. The occupants succeeded in getting organized, they got barricaded, they called movements and reporters, but everything is useless, there is no chance for negotiation or deferment. The building must be cleared out before that evening. Daniel, divided between the love for his family and the loyalty to his squad, has no chance of mediation: he must choose to side with one part or the other and he must pursue it to its very end.
Daniel, born in Italy by a sub-Saharan African family, is an agent of the mobile unit. He firmly believes that justice passes through the respect of the rules. But one day the order arrives questioning his ideals. At dawn, he will vacate the occupied building where her family lives. Daniel will have to choose a side and go all the way.
