再见, 白鸽Прощайте, голуби!(1961)

又名:再见吧,鸽子 / Proshchayte, Golubi / Farewell, Doves


主演:Aleksei Loktev 瓦伦蒂娜·特莱吉纳 谢尔盖·普 

导演:雅科夫·谢格尔 编剧:雅科夫·谢格尔 Yakov Segel

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再见, 白鸽:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Genka Sakhnenko, a seventeen-year-old boy, has been passionate about pigeon breeding since childhood. But he begins to make a living, falls in love with the girl Tanya and realizes that it is time to leave his childhood hobbies.
1961年影片《再见吧,鸽子》是一部抒情电影小说,叙述技工学校毕业生根卡·萨赫年珂是怎样开始独立自主生活的。   摘自《俄苏名歌经典》下册P.46
