奥斯维辛中的天堂Heaven in Auschwitz(2016)


主演:Dinah Gottliebova Eva Gross Di 

导演:亚伦·科恩 编剧:Sabina Berman





Plot Summary:Heaven in Auschwitz is a documentary film that tells the fascinating and incredible story of 13 Jewish survivors of the Holocaust in former Czechoslovakia, during the II World War. These men and women, that back then were children, found a legendary Jewish-German character named Fredy Hirsch, who changed their lives forever. The work describes the terrible living conditions in Terezin Ghetto and; on the other hand, the approach to culture and art behind the walls of the concentration camp. Up to this moment, everything develops as a known story, but by the end of 1943 there is an unexpected turn when these children are deported together with their families to the extermination camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau. And there, in the middle of hell, they lived in.
《奥斯维辛中的天堂》以十三位来自捷克的奥斯维辛集中营幸存者为讲述者,他们当年被送进集中营时还是儿童,在奥斯维辛他们遇见了一位非凡的普通人——赫施(Fredy Hirsch),一位德国犹太教师和运动员,他以巨大的热情和能量帮助集中营的孩子们,给予他们照料,组织娱乐和运动。赫施曾多次有机会离开集中营,但考虑到孩子无人照料,他依然留下。1944年3月,赫施和他的孩子们死于毒气室。在幸存下来的孩子们中间包括苏珊娜·鲁日奇科娃,后来成为捷克杰出的羽管键琴演奏家。
