Uno, dos, tres... dispara otra vez(1973)


主演:安东尼·斯特芬 爱德华多·法哈多 罗伯托·卡马迭尔 阿佳塔· 

导演:图里奥·德米切利 编剧:Nino Stresa/Miguel Iglesias/Enrique Josa

Uno, dos, tres... dispara otra vez:在线播放

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Uno, dos, tres... dispara otra vez:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Tequila and Bobo hit the little town of Chedron intending to rob the local bank whose owner, De Koven, is trying to freeze out all the ranchers in the area by the simple expedient of foreclosing on the mortgages his bank holds on their land.
