La liberté en croupe(1970)


主演:Juliette Villard 贝尔纳·勒科克 玛丽亚·毛 

导演:埃德沃德·莫利纳罗 编剧:Jean-François Hauduroy/埃德沃德·莫利纳罗 Edouard Molinaro/Jacques Perry

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La liberté en croupe:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Paris, in the spring of 1968. Albin Cérès, 23, the son of a bourgeois couple on the verge of breakdown, seeks happiness in life. Disappointed by Laurent, the leader of a small group of revolutionary students ; disappointed by Paméla, a girl he half-heartedly makes love to ; refusing the friendship of Moss, a refined fifty-year-old who is secretly in love with him, Albin returns to his parents'home for a while. Shortly afterward he meets Lore, a lovely young lady, who dreams of revolution... A great love is born
