Plot Summary:The story of a Hollywood star who, tired of his lifestyle, one night encounters his doppelganger leading to a role switch so the star can slip away for some alone time leaving the double to indulge in his fantasies.
The story of a Hollywood star who, tired of his lifestyle, one night encounters his doppelganger leading to a role switch so the star can slip away for some alone time leaving the double to...
贝弗莉·琳恩 Beverly Lynne,克里·斯托弗约翰·卡帕克,Daniel S. D'Ottavio,米娅·佐托里 Mia Zottoli,Candace Washington,Eddie Jay,Dee,荷莉·豪利沃德,Glen Meadows,埃普丽尔·弗劳儿丝,Christeon Gordon,Tom Montreal,Shayna Lee,伊娜丽·瓦希斯,Micky Black