
又名:Sodankylä Forever: The Century of Cinema


导演:彼得·冯·巴赫 编剧:Peter von Bagh





Plot Summary:Sodankyla film festival started at 1986 and was created by Finnish directors Anssi Manttari, Aki and Mika Kaurismaki, along with Peter Von Bagh.Sodankyla Forever is a great documentary especially for movie enthusiasts. Following the years of Sodankyla film festival through all of the great artists, who have visited the legendary festival under the midnight sun of Finland.The documentary has lots of great conversations from people directing great films. If you can find one with subtitles or you understand Finnish, and you love films it's a must see!Lots of legendary names from the movie business, talking not only about their own work, but also about the passion and love for movies and most importantly, about their own idols. Narrated by the late Peter Von Bagh, who also conducted the conversations in the festival. Von Bagh is a very important figure in Finland, when it comes to movies.
Since 1969, masters of cinema have shown their films at the legendary Midnight Sun Film Festival and talked about their art. With choice moments from several hundred hours of these talks, Von Bagh created a heavenly symposium on cinema as the most decent way to walk the earth.
