Plot Summary:In this vibrant glimpse of the life and work of contemporary American artist Red Grooms, he reveals his secret weapon - a hot glue gun - and the sources of inspiration for his life-size three-dimensional works which he has dubbed "picto-sculptoramas." "Red Grooms: Sunflower in a Hothouse" is a colorful glimpse of the life and work of this innovative artist. The film opens with contrasting scenes from New York City streets - a rich diversity that often provides Grooms' inspiration. Juxtaposing actual street scenes with Grooms' satirical interpretations, the film brilliantly reflects the humor and humanism prevalent in his work. Red Grooms conducts a brief journey into the two and three-dimensional walk-in works which he calls "picto-sculptoramas." Melding painting and sculpture, high art and pop culture, Grooms' "environments" invite audience participation - a life-size subway car keeps one seat reserved. The film captures Grooms creating in his studio, sketching on the city streets ...