Plot Summary:Shot clandestinely over a two year period, this film provides a rare look into the second most isolated country on the planet held in a stasis by a brutal military regime for almost a half century. From over 100 interviews of people across Burma, including the recently released Aung San Suu Kyi, interwoven with stunning footage of Burmese life this documentary is truly unique.
这部大胆的纪录片由美国小说家、学者和导演Robert H Lieberman执导,拍摄历时两年,脚本素材长达120小时,最终剪辑成为这部片长90分钟的影片。拍摄期间,导演深入当地集市、拳击训练营、诊所以及学校,采访了一百多名当地居民,试图为这个1962年以来一直隐秘的国家描绘一幅肖像。那么他究竟揭示了什么?