The Surrogate Mary(2011)

主演:Alexandra Auder 盖比·霍夫曼 Rainer  

导演:Nick Nehez 编剧:Alexandra Auder/Nick Nehez

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The Surrogate Mary:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:When a woman wakes up on a Hamptons beach in fugue state, all assumptions about her identity are thrown into doubt in this psychological thriller starring Alex Auder and Gaby Hoffmann. Is Mary (Auder) a wealthy housewife whose vacuous existence leaves her with nothing of substance to get a hold on her past-life? Or, is she the partner in crime of Sally (Hoffmann), who grifts off of the leftovers and vacant homes of this vacation community? This is the first feature of writer/director Nick Nehez. Auder and Hoffmann, daughters of Warhol Superstar Viva, have worked with directors Wim Wenders and Woody Allen among others. Nehez and Auder studied improvisational acting with Alan Arkin and the late Paul Sills.
