灯塔El faro(1998)

又名:The Lighthouse


主演:Ingrid Rubio Jimena Barón Norb 

导演:Eduardo Mignogna 





Plot Summary:Two Argentine sisters, Memé and Aneta, lose their mother in a car crash. Memé, the elder, is also left lame with one badly scarred leg. The orphaned girls go to Uruguay to stay with their aunts. The sisters often bicker, but they are actually very close. Memé flirts but has no luck with boys because of her injury... On their own now, Memé works as a waitress where she gets to know Andy. Returning to Montevideo, they meet Dolores, a friend of their late mother. Memé's affair with a man complicates her relationship with her sister. Then Andy invites the pair to his seaside retreat, a lighthouse...
影片讲述了一对阿根廷姐妹不寻常的感人情谊。      Memé和Aneta在一场车祸中失去了亲人而不幸成为孤儿,这场悲剧更带给姐姐Memé一条疤痕累累的伤腿和跛足。姐妹俩只得来到乌拉圭与姨妈一起生活。Memé常常有意无意地卖弄风情,但却因伤腿吓退了不少男孩。一天,她遇到了画家Andy,Andy邀请姐妹俩去灯塔……
