Plot Summary:After 20 years in prison, Angie is reunited with her old team and son, AJ, now part of the Special Division Force; the team's first assignment is to infiltrate a hospital to find a potential assassin of French Ambassador Pierre Cardin.
Fidel Abrego,杰尔·伯恩斯,加里·布塞,Cecile Callan,Terry Camilleri,艾尔皮迪娅·卡里洛,马特·克拉克,Rodolfo De Alexandre,罗伯特·杜瓦尔,Javier Estrada,格伦·弗雷,nm0324287 Salvador Godínez,布鲁斯·加里,杰里·哈德因,马克·哈蒙