Plot Summary:Sarah, a beautiful and gifted 15-year-old from a wealthy but chaotic family, holds on to one dream: to run away from home and to become a professional ballet dancer. She meets 30-year-old Vic, who's good-looking, charming and the first person to understand her. At last Sarah has a friend. She trusts him blindly. Vic promises to help her get away from home: together they are strong. They are a team. They fall in love. But Vic is actually extremely dangerous but by now she is entangled in his web. At home, her parents don't notice what's going on. What are Vic's real intentions with Sarah? Is she totally on her own now? She cannot rely on her parents, that's for sure. Her dream seems to be further away than ever.
Marie Vinck,薇薇安·德·莫恩科,斯坦尼·克雷茨,Hans Kesting,Seppe van Groeningen,Flor Decleir,Rik van Uffelen,Achiel De Smet,Daniel Daeyaert,Lilian Keersmaekers,Marc Simons,Paul Goris,Frédéric Van Overmeeren