O.S.S. 117 n'est pas mort(1957)

又名:O.S.S. 117 is Not Dead


主演:伊凡·德斯尼 玛加莉·诺埃尔 Yves Vincent 达尼 

导演:让·萨沙 编剧:Jacques Berland/Jean Bruce

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O.S.S. 117 n'est pas mort:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Secret documents and microfilms have been stolen;it seems that the safe in Mr Lead 's desirable mansion is not safe at all and that the Deuxième Bureau has been leaking.So begins the task for the best French secret spy OSS 117 and his female counterpart .The title "OSS is not dead " is justified for the hero spends a good third of the film bedridden in a gloomy hospital where he pretends he was severely wounded after a car crash (sabotage).But he is presented with candied fruit (the box contains a small tape recorder ) and he is not still. Who,in Mr Lead 's house helps the villains get the stuff? Mr Lead? his wife? his daughter? his secretary?his servant?
