杀手 / 处女 / 影子Mehetapja/Süütu/Vari(2017)

又名:The Manslayer/The Virgin/The Shadow


主演:蕾雅·莱斯特 Evald Aavik Andrus Albr 

导演:苏列夫·基德斯 编剧:Sulev Keedus/Madis Kõiv

杀手 / 处女 / 影子:在线播放

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杀手 / 处女 / 影子:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The film consists of three chapters. The Manslayer takes place more than a hundred years ago. The leading character Maara is a young bride who is about to start her life in her new family. The Virgin, set in the spring of 1949, tells the story of a young woman called Elina, who has been deported from Ingria into Estonia during the previous war. The Shadow moves in the present, on the border of real life and fantasy. The main character, Luna Lee, has decided to flee from home. Is there anything besides emptiness somewhere? The film is led by the singularity of the leading character - Maara, Elina and Luna Lee are all played by the same actress.
本片由三个章节组成。《杀手》的故事发生在一百多年前。主角玛拉是个年轻的新娘,即将在新的家庭开始生活。《处女》的背景设定在1949 年春天,讲述了一个名叫伊琳娜的年轻女子的故事,她在二战中从因格里亚被驱逐到爱沙尼亚。《影子》设定在当代,介于现实生活和幻想之间。主角露娜·李决定逃离家乡。但是何处可以寻得空虚以外的东西?三个短篇故事之间的共同联系是其主角:玛拉、伊琳娜和露娜·李都由同一个女演员扮演。本片在2017 年塔林黑夜国际电影节主竞赛单元荣获最佳摄影奖。
