军嫂们 第三季Army Wives(2009)



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军嫂们 第三季:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Trevor helps track down Logan and Emmalin in 'wedding town' Dillon and convinces his mate to back down rather then see the general unleash the army's full wrath. In Iraq, Jeremy takes dad's word that his nightly meetings with a female officer weren't indecent and ma is the one who insisted on a separation. Denise is fired stat when the army hospital learns about her contract-breaching affair with corporal Riley 'Mac' McCadden. Even her friends are startled by her secretive adultery. Mac has decided to take his fiancée another chance. Trevor is shocked that ignorant Roxy carelessly ruined the car's motor. When the rumor reaches Iraq, Frank volunteers for a dangerous mission. Collin plays hardball, but is found out an impostor. Michael grimly allows Claudia-Joy to stay on the base with Emmalin, who refuses to move to Brussels, to finish the school-year.
本剧讲述美军基地军人伉俪的故事。帕梅拉·莫兰曾就职于波士顿警局,现在退居二线甘 当全职太太声援丈夫工作。丹尼斯舍伍德竭力隐藏自身的伤痛,欢乐维持完善的军嫂和 母亲笼统。克劳迪亚·乔伊霍顿是个备受别的人关注的人物,她竭力声援位居要职的丈夫 并且传对抗个她过去的机密能永远不为人知。 洛克西·李布朗是PFC特雷佛·李布朗的新婚 老婆,她与丈夫结识仅4天便结婚,因此对军旅生涯一无所知,连她自身都不确定她可否 适应这里的生涯…by:meijubar.net
