
又名:Dimitrie Cantemir


主演:Pavel Cajzl 爱德华·库佩克 薇罗尼卡·盖耶洛娃 

导演:Gheorghe Vitanidis 编剧:Mihnea Gheorghiu





Plot Summary:When the Ottoman Porte denies his right to rule Moldavia in 1693,Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir goes to Constantinople to complete his studies. Brilliant scholar Prince Cantemir writes the history of the Ottoman Empire.At his disposal are the Ottoman and Persian archives.After 20 years his History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire is ready.Foreign powers want the manuscript since it contains an insight into the Ottoman power, including possible causes for its eventual downfall.The manuscript is invaluable for the Ottomans as well as for any enemy foreign power.While agents of foreign powers try to buy the manuscript Prince Cantemir simply wants to publish it at the Academy of Berlin for the free benefit of all scholars.The Ottomans crown him King of Moldavia in 1710 but Cantemir signs an alliance with Russian Czar Peter the Great which inevitably leads to war with Turkey.Worse still, his manuscript gets stolen by paid thieves.
在君士坦丁堡呆了20年后,摩达维亚王子Dimitrie Cantemir 完成了奥斯曼帝国历史著作的书写,被誉为1710年的摩达维亚之王,但他的手稿被外国间谍盗走
