Aşkın İkinci Yarısı(2010)

又名:Askin ikinci yarisi


主演:穆罕默德·阿斯兰图 Hayrullah Evrenos Ar 

导演:穆罕默德·阿斯兰图 编剧:Mehmet Aslantug

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Aşkın İkinci Yarısı:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Arif, diagnosed with cancer, separates from his wife whose pregnancy he does not know by leaving a letter behind. He starts a new life away from everyone in a village on the coast. One day Zuhal comes to Arif with his daughter. She is about to go to the USA for a better life for her daughter and herself. Zuhal wants her daughter to stay with Arif for a while. The daughter's short stay with her father will have a powerful impact on their lives.
