

主演:Yoav Potash Shira Potash 

导演:Shira Potash Yoav Potash 





Plot Summary:Food Stamped is an informative and humorous documentary film following a couple as they attempt to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet on a food stamp budget. Nutrition educator Shira Potash teaches nutrition-based cooking classes to elementary school students in low-income neighborhoods, most of whom are eligible for food stamps. In an attempt to walk a mile in their shoes, Shira and her documentary filmmaker husband embark on the food stamp challenge where they eat on roughly one dollar per meal. Along the way, they consult with food justice activists, nutrition experts, politicians, and ordinary people living on food stamps, all in order to take a deep look at the struggles low-income Americans face every day while trying to put three-square meals on the table.
美国现在有约四千七百万的人口在接受联邦政府的食品救济金(2012年6月,美国农业部最新统计数据),相当于每5名成年人中有一名是接受政府发放的粮食救济金的,创下了历史新高。   食品救济金(Food Stamp),相当于粮票,可以替代现金,可以在各食品超市换取食物,每人的额度略有不同,但都十分有限。大多数接受救济的人们,不得不选择高热量转基因等垃圾食品,引发的健康问题又给自己带来了更多的经济困难。   营养学家Shira Potash和她的制片人丈夫Yoav做了一个有趣的尝试。她们以大约1美元一顿饭的前提下(食品救济金的额度),要保证两人能有足够的能量和营养,并坚持了一个月,为那些拿救济金的人们提供了一个健康饮食的参考。
