

导演:亚历桑德罗·巴丘 拉杜·蒙泰安 编剧:拉杜·蒙泰安 Radu Muntean/亚历桑德罗·巴丘 Alexandru Baciu





Plot Summary:The Romanian penitentiary system allows, from 2006, the marriage of people sentenced to serve time in prison.Most of the inmates cultivate the pre-existing relationships with the concubines or partners who live outside the prison walls. Though, there is a special category, of those who find a life partner during their time in prison.VISITING ROOM follows the stories of some prisoners found in different penitentiaries across the country, who have found their life partner during their sentence time. The one is either a person from outside, or as them, a person who is serving time in prison. Our intention was to talk to the people found in the special situation of being deprived of freedom, to whom love becomes a substitute for freedom and represents maybe their only hope for a better future.Adi and Ana started their relationship after Adi had seen her in a photo received by his cell mate. It was enough to start a long course of letters, forced meetings in which they sue each other for ...
