Tina and Lolo(2016)


主演:桑妮·雷奥妮 卡里希马·坦纳 迪帕克·提卓瑞 塔哈·沙 Am 

导演:Devang Dholakia 

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Tina and Lolo:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Tina and Lolo are bold, badass and brave girls who find themselves on a mission to thwart an illegal arms/weapons deal between two countries. On the quest to gather evidence, a mishap occurs and the duo is suddenly up against an influential politician. They soon find themselves being chased not only by his goons but also by the police. Whilst on the run to save themselves from the repercussions of an incident, they are faced with multiple hurdles Will they get arrested, will they get killed or will they be able to complete their mission. Shot in the most stylish and beautiful locales in India and Malaysia, this unpredictable and thrilling chase packed with high octane action will definitely keep you on the edge, craving for more.
