尤利西斯:贞德与炼金的骑士ユリシーズ ジャンヌ・ダルクと錬金の騎士(2018)

主演:逢坂良太 大野柚布子 东城日沙子 沼仓爱美 大西沙织 高田忧 

导演:板垣伸 编剧:金月龍之介



Plot Summary:During the Hundred Years' War, Montmorency, the son of a nobleman, immerses himself in the study of alchemy and magic at Paris' school for knights. However, his everyday life comes to an end when France loses the Battle of Agincourt and the academy is shuttered. Fleeing the English army, he eventually comes across a village girl named Jeanne.
身为贵族的儿子却埋头于研究魔术和炼金术的少年蒙莫朗西,   在巴黎的王立骑士养成学校,身边聚集着布列塔尼公爵的妹妹里什蒙   等众多的骑士、姬骑士候补,过着慌乱而又充实的每一天。   但,随着阿赞库尔之战的大败,法国与他们的命运彻底改变。   巴黎陷落,骑士养成学校也被关闭,   失去了一切、成为在逃流亡炼金术师的蒙莫朗西,   在逃亡前往的村子里与不可思议的少女贞德相遇了……。
