
又名:Kiri-no-hata / 霧之旗 / 霧の旗


主演:山口百惠 三浦友和 三国连太郎 关口宏 加藤治子 原泉 石桥 

导演:西河克己 编剧:服部佳/松本清张 Seicho Matsumoto




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 【溜友派字幕组】雾之旗Kiri.no.hata.1977.D9.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.
2019-05-12 【溜友派字幕组】雾之旗Kiri.no.hata.1977.D9.2Audio.MiniSD-TLF.


Plot Summary:Masao is falsely accused and jailed for the murder of a loanshark to whom he owed a lot of money. His sister Kiriko makes the long trip to Tokyo, specifically to accost Otsuka, Japan's top criminal defence lawyer, and plead with him to take her brother's case. They live in KitaKyushu which, though a city, she contends that the local lawyers are not up to the job. Otsuka contemptuously brushes her off. A year passes. Masao has suicided in jail, his appeal having failed due to the lack of interest and competence of the local defence lawyer. Kiriko returns to Tokyo, planning revenge on Otsuka for refusing the case and causing her brother's death. Meanwhile, through the actions of a crusading young journalist, Otsuka is informed of Masao's death. His curiosity piqued, he requests the file and reviews the evidence. Otsuka also has an adoring mistress who owns a bar. By coincidence (?), the real murderer is an associate of one of her employees. Kiriko, now working as a hostess in a ...
家住北九州小仓的柳田正夫(关口宏 饰)和桐子(山口百惠 饰)是一对父母早亡、自幼相依为命的苦命兄妹。某天,正夫被指控为一起抢劫杀人案的嫌疑人遭到逮捕,证据确凿的情况下,老实木讷的小学教师正夫百口莫辩。坚信哥哥清白的桐子辗转来到东京,拜访声名显赫的精英律师大冢钦三(三国连太郎 饰)为哥哥担任无罪辩护。眼里只认钱的大冢冷淡回绝了走投无路的桐子,这一幕刚好被《社会周刊》的记者阿部启一(三浦友和 饰)看在眼里。阿部帮桐子百般疏通,并竭力调查案件真相,却最终无法改变正夫被执行死刑的命运,桐子的人生也跌入谷底。与之相对,高高在上的大冢春风得意,恣意享受奢靡高贵的人生,却没意识到自己的命运也生活在底层的小人物所左右……   本片根据推理作家松本清张的同名原作改编。
