Plot Summary:1961-1962, the Algerian War is under way, Lakhdar, an immigrant construction worker, lives in the Nanterre shantytown which is 3km away from Paris. He can no longer bear living alone, far from his family in Southern Algeria. Once he succeeds in bringing them to France, he starts looking for a decent apartment. Just as he is about to reach his goal, at the cost of a betrayal, history strikes back at him...
Pendant la guerre d'Algérie, Lakhdar, immigré, ouvrier du bâtiment, habite le bidonville de Nanterre. Ne supportant plus la solitude, il fait venir sa femme Nora et ses enfants en France. Dès lors, il n'a plus qu'une obsession : offrir aux siens un appartement digne de ce nom.