真实诱惑The Real Cancun(2003)



导演:Rick de Oliveira 编剧:Brian Caldirola




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 真实诱惑.The.Real.Cancun.2003.Chs.srt
2021-05-21 真实诱惑.The.Real.Cancun.2003.Eng.srt
2019-05-12 真实诱惑.The.Real.Cancun.2003.Chs.srt
2019-05-12 真实诱惑.The.Real.Cancun.2003.Eng.srt


Plot Summary:After a nationwide casting search including college campuses across the country--Arizona State University, University of Oklahoma, University of Vermont, University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of Georgia, Texas Tech, Boston University and Washington State University--the filmmakers cast a unique collection of real people ready to explore reality's barriers beyond the limits of television, while on the ultimate Spring Break vacation, with surprising results. Designed to be the first true reality feature film, six camera crews followed the cast--made up of 16 American college students--and filmed their exploits as they immersed and indulged in the Spring Break revelry of Cancun, Mexico. Filmed 24 hours a day over the course of a week in March 2003, the movie was shot on location and reveals the students' exploits through interviews and planned group activities, as well as through their own spontaneous adventures.
2003年3月,美国MTV电视频道推出的一档真人秀节目,栏目组面向美国各大高校(亚利桑那大学、奥克哈马大学、波士顿大学等)进行公开选拔,16位青春逼人、阳光开朗的男女青年脱颖而出。他们受邀前往墨西哥康库海滩享受为期8天的假期,在这8天里,这16位青年尽情放纵,沉湎于花天酒地、浮华肉欲的享乐世界中。   短短8天,友谊和爱情在他们中间迅速蔓延,他们完全忽略了镜头的存在,真实情感倾情流露,完全将自己融入这片充满无忧无虑的人间天堂……
