
又名:The Sword of Alexander


主演:阿部宽 长谷川京子 宫藤官九郎 黑木美沙 远藤宪一 

导演:堤幸彦 编剧:梦枕貘



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 The.Sword.of.Alexander.2007.DVDRip.XviD-SUPERiER



Plot Summary:Brace yourself for a hilarious action-filled ride with The Sword of Alexander! Based on a serial story by Yumemakura Baku, The Sword of Alexander (a.k.a. Taitei no Ken) is a rollicking period fantasy adventure, complete with ninjas, warriors, magical weapons, and a couple of aliens. With a host of colorful characters, impressive CG visuals, and genres colliding left and right, the film provides a sensory overload of comedy, action, and fun. Director Tsutsumi Yukihiko, last seen quietly inducing tears with Memories of Tomorrow, teams up again with Abe Hiroshi, the star of his Trick films, and puts the actor's natural comic presence to good use. Hasegawa Kyoko (Ai no Rukeichi) plays the film's precocious princess, alongside a supporting cast that includes Kudo Kankuro (Thirteen Steps), Endo Kenichi (The Sinking of Japan), and Kuroki Meisa (Under the Same Moon). Free-spirited wandering swordsman Yorozu Genkuro (Abe Hiroshi) easily t owers over everyone with his tall, lanky stature and ...
德川幕府三代将军家光当政时期,风调雨顺,国泰民安。时世间流传三件神器的传说,分别是大帝之剑、斗神独钴杵、以及犹大的十字架,它们用宇宙金属铸就,持有者将获得征服世界的力量。武士万源九郎(阿部寛 饰)即为大帝之剑的持有者,他按照父亲临终前的嘱托四处寻找神器,要将它们送回“原来的归属之处”。路上他邂逅丰臣家的后代小舞(長谷川京子 饰)及其护卫真田忍者佐助(宮藤官九郎 饰)沿途艰险重重,还要时刻躲避幕府的追杀。另一方面,宇宙人兰(長谷川京子 饰)以及牡丹(黒木メイサ 饰)也时刻觊觎着万源九郎一行手中的神器。各怀鬼胎的敌人源源不断,万源九郎只得凭借大帝之剑杀出一条血路……   本片根据夢枕獏长篇传奇小说改编。
